AMOR – Mozambican Recycling Association under the Environment and Citizenship Project, financed by the European Union, implemented by the Mozambican Government through the Support Program for Non-State Actors (PAANE), which is being implemented in 10 secondary schools in the city of Beira to raise the awareness of young people in environmental conservation and citizenship, making the students positive actors for the communities and the country in general.

In the first week of October, the CACs had as their lesson the production of eco-friendly bags with old newspaper whose material was: newspaper, a tube of glue, two strips of cloth, two strips of cardboard and a cardboard box. It aimed to raise awareness about the use of sustainable products, so that they can learn to make their own shopping bags, thus avoiding the use of plastic bags.

In the second week, it was the turn of the Environmental Education in the schools, where the CAC carried out an Environmental Awareness Campaign with the objective of making the students of the school more aware of the collection and proper disposal of solid wastes; Raise environmental and social issues above economic interests and enable changes in attitude in everyday life. The members of the CACs were organized in groups of 2 or 3, entering the classrooms or even in the school yard, approaching students in general to promote the work they do in the clubs, encouraging them to adopt the system of collection and deposition of waste in place.

The activity: Bank of Rights and Duties was in the third week where it was Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique, Electoral Law to explain students club members what is citizenship and how to practice it in school.
In the last week of October we completed the third baseline questionnaire with a focus on explaining how the environment and citizenship club works and the school competition recycles and won in schools, this was randomly distributed to students and explained how to fill out it.

2017 CACs Cidadania