Entrega de CertificadosAs part of the Citizens Friends of Environmentally project, financed by the European Union, AMOR – Mozambican Recycling Association carried out on the 30th of March, the delivery of certificates to 20 students from the Environment and Citizenship Clubs – CAC’s of the partner schools, in his office, located in Esturro neighbourhood, in the City of Beira.

The CAC’s participated in a 30-day training in Performing Arts at the Sofala Provincial House of Culture within the scope of the existing partnership with AMOR, having learned Dance, Theatre and Poetry techniques.

1648817445550CAC’s from the following Secondary Schools participated in this training: João XXIII, Manga, Matadouro, Marocanhe, Muchatazina, Mutemba, Ponta – Gêa and 25 de Setembro.

Learn more at www.amor.co.mz and Recycle with AMOR.

#performingarts #schools #partnership