According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), July 26th is World Mangrove Day. Mangrove forests are a transitional coastal ecosystem between the terrestrial and marine environments that have specific adaptations to respond to the extreme conditions of salinity, winds and tidal cycles to which they are continually exposed. Mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems on the planet. They are home to several marine species and it is estimated that ¾ of the species of commercial fishing importance depend on mangroves for their development.

Mangroves are responsible for providing fundamental environmental goods and services, ensuring the environmental integrity of the coastal strip, providing food, protecting local communities against extreme weather events, storing large amounts of carbon in the soil and contributing to climate change mitigation

Moçambique possui uma cobertura de mangal de cerca de 300 000 ha sendo considerada a terceira maior cobertura de floresta de mangal em África e a maior da costa oriental do continente. No país, as florestas de mangal ocorrem em aglomerados ao longo de toda a linha de costa, sendo mais abundantes na região centro e norte. Apesar da sua importância, os mangais em Moçambique são vulneráveis a uma série de ameaças advindas da acção humana. Recentemente Moçambique deu um passo importante, aprovando a Estratégia Nacional de Gestão de Mangal, primeiro instrumento legal orientador da gestão e uso sustentável dos mangais.

A AMOR junta-se às comemorações do Dia Internacional dos Mangais contribuindo para divulgar o conhecimento sobre a sua importância e procurar soluções sustentáveis para a sua gestão e conservação do ecossistema, realizou na Praia de Ndjalane Posto administrativo de Nhangau, Beira, uma Jornada de Limpeza em parceria com Representantes do Governo Central na Beira, Conselho Municipal da Beira, EDEL, ADEL SOFALA, União Europeia, Horizont3000, Cornelders, Bureau Veritas, Só Sei Frei, Cooperação Austríaca para o desenvolvimento.

Awareness talk

During the awareness-raising talk, the motivation for celebrating this day was explained to the participants and the motto for celebrating World Mangrove Day was shared: Mangal Restored, Mozambique Resilient.

During the talk, the need to separate waste and the importance of the 3Rs, which stand for: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, were explained.

Ndjalane Beach Clean-up Day

The waste was collected by all the participants, divided 2 by 2 and interspersed in several groups, distributed among various points of the mangrove swamp, united for a single purpose: to leave the mangrove swamp of Ndjalane beach cleaner.