In 2020, the Mozambican Recycling Association (AMOR) had the opportunity to install the Waste Treatment Centers (CTR) to support and contribute to the sustainable development of the displaced settlements that suffered the damage of #CiloneIdai in 2019.

The project was funded by UNDP Mozambique under the Mozambique Recovery Mechanism. The CTR is part of a larger program aimed at Integrated Management of Recyclable Waste (GIRR).

Within the integrated management, the CTR aims to be a center for the processing of recyclable waste and the production of compost and biochar with organic waste. In addition to the direct benefits from waste management and the sale of recyclables and inputs produced. The center becomes a reference place for sustainability and environmental education.

In 2021 AMOR continues to look for funders to be able to expand these actions and contribute directly to the sustainable development of Mozambique. And it maintains plans for the application of this model in other countries who are interested in the integrated management of recyclable waste.

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